Wednesday, February 21, 2007

distraction vs inspiration

Just had a quick look at Dave's site and decided to check out some of the links. Man I was totally blown away by the sheer volume of work being done out there!!! It was like......fuck me!!! These people are just knocking out all this great work, but it seems to be more than that, its like a current or something, maybe more like something in the air, like this kind of scent. But more like a wave, this wave, like a kind of engulfing kind of thing, like I remember once stepping off a bus in Florida somewhere after a really long journey and it was like bbam!!! this intense blanket of humidity, well not blanket, more like wall of humidity just hit me. I feel as though I have been sitting on a bus for hours and hours, travelling, looking out the tinted window as the world rolls by and man, stopping at like hideous bugger joints, in the middle of nowhere to stretch your legs before boarding the bus again. When you get there its like this massive bam of humidity after this long air conditioned ride. Man it's exciting and scary at the same time. I am left with the question, what are these people doing? Oh yes walking back from college after dropping off my late library books (£120 fine) I came across crowds of people all walking in the same direction. People coming outta cars that had been parked all along the main roads, like jammed together back to back, all available space, like just stuffed to the gills, and there are these people and suddenly these flashing lights and its like this police convoy, its these police vans, riot vans really and they are escorting these double Decker bus's just filled with football fans and its like what the hell as they start shouting out the little windows on the top deck, then there is this massive roar as more people shout back from the other side of the road, with all these police in riot gear just standing on every road side, just waiting and watching and hoping? Later on down the road as I walked towards the supermarket I could smell beer and weed wafting towards me and I was confronted with an incredible sight. It was the sight of hundreds of beered up football hooligans jumping over a little concrete wall and leaving the pub with which they had probably been drinking in all day (most don't work?). They had heard some primal call, some cry from the drunken alpha male, some primitive being that had decided now was the time, the time to go and.......go and do what? This got me thinking, seeing all the police and all the money and investment being wasted. Both from the hooligans and the police who where trying to contain them. Why not just have two pubs. Two pubs with some wasteland in between them. You would have massive stands on either side so that spectators could come and cheer and chant. You would have helicopters flying around with search lights. you would have flashing lights and some kind of bottled testosterone that could be pumped into the arena on some kind of mist. The hooligans would be given free alchol all day and would be agitated by different means at different times until the release of the testosterone mist which would tip them over the edge and send them into a Frenzie!! of course the police would be there. But they would not be real, they would be more hooligans dressed up as police (obviously they would have to audition before hand. The audition would be based on previous police video surveillance footage) The stands would Be full of paying customers on two sides and more hooligans on the other two sides who don't pay. These are the hooligans that pretend to follow and support the other hooligans who they have come to watch. Of course the whole thing will Be televised and sold through satellite companies and beamed into the homes of would be hooligans, in order to maintain the numbers and gain recruits for the future. The whole thing could be taxed by the government or raise money for worthy charities.
check out the links below for the great work. But be warned, if you have been riding in an air condition bus for what seems like days or if not weeks, then its gonna hit you like a massive wall of humidity!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Hobby kicks arts arse, once again

As garden ornaments go....
An amazing white elephant. what, where, when, how, and at what cost to whom!!
check out the for story

Thursday, February 15, 2007

she's a fox, a birthday fox, and she's all mine

Happy Birthday Chloe Eardley Love Ollie Betts Happy Birthday Chloe Eardley Love Ollie Betts Happy Birthday Chloe Eardley Love Ollie Betts Happy Birthday Chloe Eardley Love Ollie Betts Happy Birthday Chloe Eardley Love Ollie Betts Happy Birthday Chloe Eardley Love Ollie Betts Happy Birthday Chloe Eardley Love Ollie Betts Happy Birthday Chloe Eardley Love Ollie Betts

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The first rule of drawing club is don't talk about drawing club

Brendon came over the other day. He and andy where going for a couple of beers. Before they went out they said hello. Brendon asked who had made the drawings that where on my computer screen and I broke the first rule!! Just like that, blurted it all out, I told him how me and chloe had met up with dave, freya, esther, and john and had gone for a drink and a chat at mr wolf's. All was well and we even had a band setting up ready to play for us, anyway they open up with this classic guitar rock out, with loads of noodling and rock power!! unable to hear each other we broke out my sketch book with some paper and got to work. The rule was that we would make a drawing of each other, a drawing that would take as long as the next song. As soon as the song finished, the drawing was over. Pens, paper and pencils at the ready we waited in aticipation. with an explosive power rock chord we where off, to be cont.....

freya by john & john by freya

chloe by esther & esther by chloe

dave by ollie & ollie by dave

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The images corrupt the soul...

A young man came into the library today and asked me to recommend a good book. The Young man comes into the Library on a fairly regular basis. I would like to know what He thinks of Catcher in the rye. I would like to know if it works on him? So I tell him "Catcher in the rye" by J D Salinger. It appears that he hasn't read it and so I go to find it on the shelf. Unfortunately the book isnt there. When I look on the catalogue I am pleased to see that it is out. That it is being read. I tell the kid that I will write down the title for him, so that he can get it later. When I googled Salinger later, this image poped up. Apparently its been taken by a photo-journalist.

This is a picture of Salinger shortly before he died.

Today I was reminded of the primal beauty of tracks, of the different foot prints left in the snow. Looking down I could see a heeled shoe, that had walked down some steps, along the path towards the front of the house. They had made a perfect print which I followed to this huge print that exposed the Yellow gravel stones of the drive. The heeled foot prints had walked around the exposed yellow gravel and had abruptly disapeared.
For some reason I am reminded of the film Innocence. I am thinking about our past present and future. Of our ability to read signs. For instance what could those signs mean? what could the tracks mean to somebody that has never encounted a pair of high heeled shoes, or indeed the woman who wears them? And what of the car, this huge heavy print with strange tracks leading off?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

write it down

I was thinking, while walking, down park street. The jumper, in all saints, waiting. If only, the thoughts, could be put down, like that. In the watershed now, fresh air attracts the young families. I guess there is space for the stroller. its nice, its nicer. Islands of middle class families, paying through the media, to live the dream. My friends Igor and Helena once pointed out to me that when you have a kid, you know the cost of the stroller, and so you can't help but notice which families have which. They said its no longer what car you drive, but instead which stroller you ride. The stroller as the signifier of your wealth. The stroller as commodity. I think that this has something to do with technology and design.