Thursday, March 01, 2007


I umm, let me just think hang on. OK. So I was thinking about what I should write to accompany the short film that I made about water, for a friends conference in Norway. I was having difficulties and decided to go shopping. While I was walking down one of the isles in the supermarket and I noticed a leek falling from a shoppers bag onto the floor. Before I could say anything another shopper shouted out Oi! Your bags leaking!

Sometime later I looked for the image of the women taring the road, and hit a brick wall. I mean I just couldn't find them. No matter what key words I used they were nowhere to be found. Days later after still no joy I typed in the words "resurfacing road" and hey presto there were my three girls! Um I now know um that the image is from 'The Union Makes Us Strong: TUC History Online"


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