Friday, July 04, 2008


The other day I had a bit of time on my hands and so I removed a chair out of the living room. Story, in which a person complains about the lack of space in there home. An answer is sought. A solution is given. Put more things in the space. ie a couple of chickens. Result, it’s even worse. Answer, add a couple of sheep. Result, come on this is impossible!!. Answer add a cow. Result, I am at the end of my tether!!! Answer, remove all the animals. Result, ahhh thats much better. Chloe came home and we talked about chairs. We decided to go out and look for a chair. On the stairs we met our downstairs neighbour, we told him we were looking for a chair. To which he replied, we have a couple of chairs you can have. He invited us in to have a look. The chairs where the same as the two chairs that we had already bought from Ikea!! except that they had been varnished. Four chairs instead of two just like that.


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