Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A Bin full of Rubbish

Changing the bin at work I was struck by the sensual quality of the plastic bin liner. It made me think of oil, I mean the quality of oil, but not in the dead organic matter kind of way, rather in the silky galaxy chocolate kind of way. Tying up the bag I couldn't help seeing Gavin Turks sculpture. I mean the idea was working even in the absence of the actual sculpture. Is this what great ideas can do? It doesn't matter about the actual sculpture, its unimportant in a way, the important part is the vision of the idea and its ability to transform a plastic bag anywhere....erm....anytime.....
Ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha, what a load of old tosh...
Yes I think that you are getting to much into that bin....
To much into your own arse!!
Its just what I was thinking...
I think I should take you away from that bin actually...
Send you to the loony bin!!
No I mean its just that......

check please...
universal bag holder
Its not the idea that counts but the bag that holds it...
God grief Charlie Brown



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